What do...
The Flu
Excessive Weight
Body Fat
High Blood Pressure
Lack of Energy
Skin Eruption
Lack of Sexual Energy
Accelerated Aging
Degenerative Diseases,
and Premature Death
All have in common?

They All Stem From
Accumulated Body Waste
Cellular Starvation
The Keys To Life
Cleanse And Feed Your Cells
Empty Your Gut
A Complete Detoxification Program
would aspire to accomplish the following:​​​
Normalize stomach PH
Aid in pancreatic enzyme production
Flush the gall bladder and thin the bile
De-fat and decongest the liver
Build intestinal micro Flora
Flush mucus and waste from the intestinal wall to free villi action and nutrient absorption
Remove impacted colon fecal waste by stimulating peristaltic action
​Purify and build the blood
Cleanse the urinary tract and promote fluid balance
Promote lymphatic drainage
Open skin pores
Expectorate mucus from the lungs to
open respiratory passageways -
Diminish unnatural food cravings
Satiate the appetite while releasing you gradually from the bondage addiction
Stimulate a fervent desire for healthy foods and healthy living.

Advance Your Age Into a Timeless Body

Detox International Wellness Protocols has reached a Pinnacle. For well over 35 years Detox International has been offering herbal formulas to the community that was intended to address nutritional deficiencies through both Organic Herbal Formulas and Angstrom Size Minerals.
The Golden Trifecta of Wellness can now be used by Men, Women and children. This One blend addresses most health challenges. The
Minerals requirements remain the same.
We have been particularly concerned about the epidemic of prostate issues in men and unhealthy menstrual cycles, fibroids, hysterectomies and menopause affecting women at alarming rates.
So we created a special formula called Hormonal Rescue- one for men and for women.
​There's another growing epidemic centered around ADD, ADHD, Autism, Bi-Polar Mood Swings, Anxiety and Depression that should only happen occasionally instead of affecting vast numbers of the population constantly. So, we've added the Brain Trust Formula to Life After Birth . The Life After Birth -The Protein Supper is designed for pregnant / nursing women, young children, the elderly or people who work out and or work hard. This New Formula addresses all systems of the Body with an array of all vitamins and minerals with an emphasis on Brain Health. All herbal products are available in different sizes. See Online Store for details.
Your Health is your Wealth.